jueves, 27 de enero de 2022



In collaboration with Amparo Rojas Mestre (@amparorojasmestre), a new author who is going to be talked about, I bring you an interesting romantic novel self-published on Amazon. In it, two of the main characters have to face tragic events that have occurred in their lives and do not allow them to fully enjoy it.

So first of all we are confronted with the difficult situation of having to rebuild your life when it has become meaningless after the loss of loved ones. Therefore we have to decide whether to let sadness dominate our days, or to face with determination and energy any inconvenience, or obstacle, that life puts in our way in order not to fall into a terrible and deep depression. For this, the support of family and friends is of vital importance, as well as finding a new illusion, or motivation, that will help us to get out of the black pit into which the loss has plunged us. It is also important to be able to express your feelings, and to talk about the terrible experience in order to be able to ask for help from those close to you. And above all, not to close ourselves off from love and the good things that can happen to us.

At the same time, and as a couple to the situation expressed above, although it does not always have to happen, the novel takes us into a love story in which the main actors are not able to clearly express their feelings for each other even when it is obvious to the rest of their environment. All of this is the result either of traumatic relationships or of having suffered damage in the field of love that prevents us from being open to new experiences so as not to suffer heart and soul breakage again. Although, as the novel reflects, it is not good to close oneself off to the most beautiful of emotions and feelings. In this aspect of love, it also teaches us that sometimes we complicate our lives more than necessary, even if we try to forget everything by running away from the situation that we are not able to control and manage, trying to deceive ourselves. In this way, not only do we suffer in the first person, but also our whole environment is not able to make us, or as Alejandro Sanz would say "llenarte los bolsillos de guerras ganadas", to reach complete happiness.

It is also a hymn to true friendship, as within its pages we will discover how the sufferings of a friend are also endured by a true friend. It is the friendship that the book talks about, the one for which you are capable of giving up anything, even your own happiness, to make your friend smile again. Even if it pains you to have to do so, however, you value this almost fraternal union more than any feeling that may arise or any opportunity that life gives you to be happy, be it in love or in any other instance of life.

However, there is also the opposite side, i.e. those people who are only looking for the lovers, or whoever is happy by their side, to distance or sadden themselves in order to take advantage and try to get intimate with one of the partners.

Last but not least, in the novel we can observe how when we are close to losing the person, which we can extrapolate to any object or situation (like a job, for example), that makes us fly is when we react and realise the value they have for us. Not only in an affective relationship at the level of a couple, but also in a friendship and/or family relationship.

In short, although it can be catalogued as a romantic novel, within it we find many very valid lessons to apply to any circumstance in our daily lives, whether in our social relationships or not.

Personally, I have discovered that true friendship exists, even if it is difficult to find, just like fairy-tale love. Whoever reads it will enjoy reading it, which is very agile and entertaining, and will be moved by the reality of its characters. I definitely have to say that I loved reading it.

If anyone is interested in acquiring it, you can get it in both physical and digital format at:

Amazon (Physical)

Amazon (Ebook)


- Title: Remember her, but love me

- No. of pages: 301 pages

- Publisher: Autopublicado (Amparo Rojas Mestre) / Amazon

- Language: English 

- ISBN: 9798792005631

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