domingo, 31 de julio de 2016


This novel by George Orwell can reproduce the Resistance of humans when a country invades another one or the pros and cons of the political ideology that is "Communism". Or even both of them at the same time as the Russians did during the WWII.
As all meetings of a political party or a group, the animals in this story also have their own anthem "Beasts of England", which was singing after every secret meeting. Afterward, they were organised they got throw out the farm. Then they followed the commandments of "Animalism", that readers can think that as the same precepts as communism has. But, nevertheless, there is always some leaders who command the rest and they finish ruling over them. 
Regarding the begin of this story, all happened after the eldest animal on the farm, a pig, told them his dream of liberty, rebellion. After a time, they had to fight against human beings, but they got the victory in spite of the fact that it started or began the first dissensions among them. Nonetheless, Snowball and Napoleon, they both pigs and they both controlled all these problems. As far as the biggest one was concerned, that was who and how they would work in the field and why pigs were able to drink milk and eat apples without cropped them.
Throughout time, the two leaders started to argue every time more between them in every meeting that was assembled. And in the end, Napoleon won this undercover war, where he got expel Snowball out the Animal Farm. After that, he began fearing and threatening all animals in the farm. Moreover, nobody was able to speak against him under death punishment. So if we extrapolated this situation to the reality, we would watch that it is very similar to what it happens in any dictatorship. Even in countries where communism ruled and rules, it occurred and occurs.
On the other hand, Napoleon started having contacts with humans to earn some money to improve the Farm. In addition, he deceived them as many time as he wanted, almost always under threaten. Even Napoleon and his pretorian guards changed the rules every time that he needed and it was always done by their own profit. As well as Napoleon killed all inhabitants of Animal Farm who thought different to him, under the excuse that they were supporting a new rebellion led by Snowball, who was declared a secret agent's Mr. Jones.
And after all those events, animals also had to fight a hard battle against men again, where many of them were killed or wounded by men, even though animals won. In the end, after the death of Boxer, Pigs all entered in treats with their neighbour, and changed by their only opinion the name of Animal Farm to its old name, "Manor Farm", even themselves began to behave like humans whilst the rest of animals were fed worse than in the past, and they could work harder too. But, all animals but pigs didn't memories about the past days, so they accepted that without complaints.

As I said at the very beginning, the power always should be divided between different people, and in this way, the life will be fairer.

Here we have a cartoon film based on this book.

  • Título: Animal Farm
  • Nº de páginas: 112 págs.
  • Editorial: Penguin
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • ISBN: 9780141036137

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